Frequently asked questions
Here is a short list of commonly asked questions, if you have anything you would like to specifically know, please don't hesitate to call us on 07786 290 863 or 01353 668 882
Do you offer free estimates?
Yes. For larger jobs, like decorating a bedroom or garden maintenance, we would usually make an initial visit first to give you an estimate. For smaller jobs like hanging a door, we can give you a good idea over the telephone of how long a job is likely to take. You can then book someone in, and when they arrive they will confirm or revise the estimate based on what they find at the job. If it is clearly going to take a lot longer than expected, and you decide not to go ahead, we won't charge you anything. If you are happy to go ahead then we will do the job there and then.
Why choose us
Look at our accreditations, we know how hard it is to find a tradesman you can truly rely on, we have recently become both Dulux and Trustmark accredited.
How can I pay?
We accept cash or cheque. A full receipt is provided for all work carried out.
Do you offer a 24hr service?
No - usual hours are 8am to 5pm Monday to Friday. We can do jobs in the evening or on Saturdays, this would need prior agreement.
Do you do contract work?
We can take care of your companies everyday maintenance requirements. If you require a regular visit (e.g. once a week) then we can set that up too. There is no formal account-opening procedure, please call 07786 290863 to discuss your requirements.
What areas do you cover?
We currently operate in the Ely area, but have been known to carry out various jobs in the East Cambridgeshire area.
Will I have to wait in all day for you to show up?
No - we give specific times which we aim to arrive. We are nearly always bang on time, but we will always call you well in advance to let you know if we need to revise our estimated arrival time.